iPhone Stalking: Morning arrives

The line continues to grow although quite slowly. I’d guess that only 25…maybe 30 people have joined the line. I’m guesstimating about 80 people in line so far so there’s still hope….allegedly. Morning came without a lot of fanfare. Fox 11 News continued to hound the scene and KTLA 5 had a chopper overhead filming the action. I’m told that Kurt “The Cyberguy” got his grubby little hands on a unit at 8am this morning so that he could discuss it on the news this morning. He’s pretty Apple-friendly so it makes sense he would get special treatment. :-p

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At least I got some special treatment of my own as my lady stopped by to bring me a healthy McDonald’s breakfast. Yes, the evil Sausage McMuffin and Hash Browns. Yummy…but deadly.

It’s going to be a scorching hot day already as it’s 9am and it’s hovering around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. There’s a guy next to me who’s already sunbathing. He’s going to be extra crispy by 6pm since it looks like he’s already had too much sun. It’s a good thing I brought sunblock (oh wait, I left that in the car) and some man grooming products to keep “fresh”.

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There’s a guy named Will who’s live vlogging the event here at Santa Monica. You should check out his coverage at http://intoiphone.com. I’ll likely keep updating every hour assuming my batteries cooperate.








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