Sonic MyDVD boneheaded-ness

I was going to let this one pass today but I just couldn’t.

For the past several weeks, Sonic/Roxio has been sending me e-mails about upgrading to MyDVD 8 since I’m an owner of MyDVD 6 (which I rarely use). I don’t use it as often as I would like because it has some quirks that I don’t like and I tend to use different programs depending on whatever DVD project I’m trying to make.

Anyways, Sonic has been sending these e-mails where I can take advantage of up to “$30 off” savings if I upgrade now. Naturally, I’m curious about what is new in version 8 so I decide to go to Sonic’s web site to get more information. I’m figuring that there must be a lot of improvement since they just skipped over a version 7 release and went straight to 8. Of course, I’m being sarcastic here. I know that they skipped a version so that the version numbering would match up with their comprehensive Easy Media Creator 8 product.

Here’s the best part.

As of today, there is absolutely no information nor even a mention of MyDVD 8 on either Sonic or Roxio’s web sites. Searching the site returns no results for MyDVD 8. Of course, the e-mail link will gladly take you to Sonic’s e-shop where you can buy the product immediately. How the heck am I supposed to know if it’s worth buying if there’s no product information page? Even worse, unless you have the special link you wouldn’t even know that they’re selling the product since it’s not listed anywhere in their e-shop. Shouldn’t they put up the new product page first listing all of the great or new and improved features so that I will get excited to upgrade right away? The way they’ve been aggressively trying to get me to upgrade seems like they’re hiding something about their product.

The funny thing is that a few weeks ago when I first received the e-mail, I figured that information would be up pretty soon if they were sending an e-mail like that. However, there’s still no information about this new product and Sonic/Roxio isn’t even going to get a sniff of my wallet until they put up more information….assuming their product is worth purchasing.

It’s just another example of a company thinking about it’s pockets rather than thinking about their customer first.








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