Site Update In Progress

I almost forgot to mention that there will probably be a site update in the near future. As you can probably tell, there isn’t a lot of cohesion in terms of site design and that’s because I never really finished working on this site. The new site will mostly keep the same idea of being mostly simple but with some usability enhancements. I’m also implementing a new CMS system on the backend so that I can do a lot more cool stuff with this site.

In addition to a new layout, there will be a new section with some articles that I’m planning to write. I can’t say exactly what it is yet as I’m still hashing out the details but it should be very interesting and entertaining.

I’m currently at look at an ETA of by the end of May. That’s my optimistic time frame assuming everything goes as planned. It will be good though…just wait an see. At any rate, any feedback from the readers here would also be appreciated. I’d like to know what people think of this site since I get a lot of visitors but not a lot of comments.








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