New Cell Phone(s)

After the last couple of years using my Sony Ericsson T68i I decided to upgrade to a new phone. I’m a big fan of Sony Ericsson phones because of their design and features likes Bluetooth and great screens. My needs for a phone are pretty basic and I really want “just a phone” and not something that takes crappy pictures and can play MP3s. I don’t even need/want PDA like features except for a list of phone numbers.

So, I was intrigued by their latest offerings the Z200 and the Z600. Both are flip-phones which I like due to the fact that it’s a lot harder to accidentally call people on a flip-phone. I would always forget to lock my phone and I would end up calling friends accidentally. Also, I liked the new design of these new phones. I especially liked the Z200 which admittedly has a cutesy design and the most basic of features. But I was sad to find out that it had lousy RF (meaning lots of dropped calls and noisy calls) and the address book functionality was butchered. Basically, it would display all your contacts with all of their numbers in the list. So, if a contact had 3 numbers associated, you would see their name 3 times in the list. This was a strange decision considering that their other phones don’t do this. They normally have a contact’s name which drills down to a list of their different numbers which is much more logical.

On the other hand, the Z600 is full of features and has the better address book. While I could do without the camera, the phone itself is just plain better. I get better signal reception and I hold calls much better even with almost no signal. The screen on the Z600 is also vastly superior to the Z200 as it’s far brighter and with a larger resolution. The Z600 is a little bigger than the Z200 but I guess I can live with that. The phone is actually easier to use than my older T68i since it’s easier to handle when it’s full open.

I’ll probably do a quick review of both phones before I get rid of the Z200 so you can also probably expect that in the near future.








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