Microsoft’s SyncToy

If you’re constantly switching back and forth between portable computer and a desktop then you might appreciate this new “unsupported” toy from Microsoft.



It’s a program that allows you to create sets of folder pairs that can synchronize with each other in a variety of ways. So, it could be one way syncs, two-ways syncs, only updated files, etc. You’ll need to make sure all your permissions and connections are setup before using this tool. At any rate, it’s a very lightweight application and is good for those times you need to manually synchronize your files. It may also be good for users who simply have desktops and home file servers. The best thing about it is that it’s free so it’s worth checking out.

For more industrial strength syncs, I personally use Stardock’s ThinkSync product which allows automation, more configurable options, integrates with Windows Explorer, and can transfer files over the Internet. I’ll probably review this one in the future once it gets out of beta stage since new features are being added with every release.

It seems odd to me that it’s taken so long for these types of programs to come out. We already have very capable backup programs out there but synchronization has been severly lacking. Most people are still using the ugly Microsoft “Briefcase” method of synchronizing which is primitive at best. With the proliferation of mobile computing in the mainstream and people being multiple computer owners, it’s definitely time for these types of programs to mature and be out on the market.








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