Hi every one,
I’ve reciently purchased a Sony TR3A notebook, I simply fell in love with it years ago, but forgot it for a long time and finally it’s in my hands!
Back to the main topic, I must add one thing:
-The laptop has no HDD, it is running Ubuntu from a live CD (Ordered caddy and ribbon cable already :D)
I was noticing the laptop getting VERY, specially the bottom part in general, so I decided to have a look at the heatsink, maybe it was disconnected for some reason, or the fan was blocked, or what ever.
When I took it appart, every thing looked fine, how ever, when I boot the laptop up there’s no sign of life in the fan. It doesn’t spin no matter how warm it gets. I thought it could’ve been a problem with the heatsink its self, I tried replacing it with a spare one I had, but nothing changed, the fan was still not spinning. I’ve read the fan is usually idle (not moving) unleast you enable it to do so, how ever I’ve looked all over the BIOS and found nothing.
I’ve made several conclusions:
-The motherboard is not transfering any power to the fan at all
-The second heatsink was faulty
-Software related problem, BIOS update maybe?
Anyway… I really hope some one can help me, because it just gets too warm, and it’s rather scary to see the fan not spinning at all despite the fact the laptop could be burning down… (I’m aware the system would auto-shut down when it hits a peak temperature
I’ve also come accross another problem, but this one is quite hard to explain… Basically the area between the power input in the notebook and the charger output (The yellow plug in the notebook) makes strange noises when charged and the LCD is on. It looks like it’s short-circuiting, or there’s a problem transfering the power, because at the same time it makes the noises, the screen brightness fades out, and then back to normal, in about a second. The noises stop when I close the notebook; sounds like an inverter problem maybe? A note on this is the LCD was under VERY HEAVY pressure when it was shipped from the UK to Spain (where I live), the LCD panel was semi-damaged and the keys were marked on the LCD, creating white ‘‘pixel shadows’’ and what look like cracks (Yes cracks) but the LCD is still functioning.
Oh and a note I’d like to add, is the hinges can reach a 90º angle, it cracks and very roughly sets to a 90º angle after opening the notebook excessively, how ever, behind the hinges, there are 2 holes in each hinge, where it looks like a wire or some sort of protection is meant to be, but I don’t have a clue where or how to get this solved; it’s still a minor issue anyway… a bit irrating though.
I apologize for making this so long, but I’m trying to describe things the best I can; I understand I might not get any replies too, but it’s worth giving this a shot…
P.S: I’m unfortunately very perfectionist and exigent with my electronic devices unfortunately, as you can see 
Thanks for reading, if you did