Clarification: The latest v2.0+EDR module that SONY uses on new VAIO models already have BT audio profiles (Headset, Audio Gateway, A2DP…etc) enabled, as SONY is officially promoting its new VAIO models + Skype + BT headset, NO MORE PATCH NEEDED. :D
The following procedure are tested on listed VAIO models with SP2 Bluetooth Stack preinstalled. If you have one of the listed models but has other stacks installed, the best way to avoid conflicts is to turn your bluetooth/wireless switch on and do a clean installation of windows xp with sp2 before proceeding.
For VAIO-TR with v1.1 Internal Bluetooth Module
Patching and Installing, every step is VITAL, don’t ignore any of them(see bottom for the patch download link)
:!: Prevent SP2’s Bluetooth Support from running
1. Stop the SP2’s “Bluetooth Support Service” in Control Panel—>Administration Tools—> Services
2. Open command prompt, type the following commands, pressing Enter after each line:
CD /D %SystemRoot%\Inf
rename Bth.inf Bth.oldinf
rename Bth.pnf Bth.oldpnf
3. Run “msconfig”—> go to “startup” column—>unclick “rundll32.exe bthprops.cpl…..”
4. Go to Control Panel—>System—> Hardware—>Device Manager
5. Manually (Have Disk method) replace the “USB Bluetooth Device” under “Bluetooth Radio” with the driver “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth” in the patch file “csrbc01.inf”.
Have Disk method: click on “Update Driver”—> Select “Install from a list or specific location”—> Select “Don’t search, I will choose the driver to install”—> Click on “Have Disk”—> Point to “csrbc01.inf” in the patch folder—> Click “OK”—>There should be 1 single device listed, named “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth”—> Click “Next”—> Click “OK”.


6. switch the bt/wireless off,Reboot
1. after reboot, switch on the bt/wireless, Run Patch.bat in Command Prompt:
Successful patching should end like this:
“usb on \\.\csr0 at 12000000bps
psset 427 0
bccmd_getresp sn:0x0001 ps ok hostio_map_sco_pcm d len:0x0001 0x0000
Install New Bluetooth Stack, You can choose between Bluesoleil (WITHOUT 5MB LIMITATION) or SONY (Toshiba OEM) stack (recommanded).
see other posts for installing WIDCOMM Stack
Install Bluesoleil Stack:
1. Download the edited :twisted: Bluesoleil from
2. Install
3. overwrite the original file with the :twisted: :twisted: included.
4. Reboot, the “Alps Module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth” under Universial Serial Bus Controllers should be replaced by “ALPS Bluetooth Device” under Bluetooth USB
Install Toshiba BT Stack:
1.Remove the bt driver “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth”—> turn BT off—> reboot (DO NOT switch on your bt after reboot). the stack, this is the 3.20.01 version, tested and works, although a bit old, as current version is v4.xx.;_SessionID=@@@@1542939006.1141576930@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccceaddheemhmeecgfkceghdgngdgmn.0&ct=DL
3. replace tosrfusb.inf in the driver folder “\Bluetooth\Windows\inf” with my edited tosrfusb.inf, download links:
or you can edit tosrfusb.inf yourself
Under [Standard], add:
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3001
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3002
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3003
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3004
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3007
Under [ControlFlags], add:
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3001
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3002
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3003
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3004
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3007
Under [Strings], modify:
StdMfg = “UGX”
Also add a line:
TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2 = “Bluetooth USB Controller (ALPS)”
4. Install the stack, turn bt on when toshiba stack installation prompts you
*Reminder: some users get stucked at 56% of installation, it was a result of switching (atl+tab) away from the Toshiba installer before it finished. The “Please plug in the bluetooth device now” dialog is obscured from poping-up.
Solution: Don’t switch away the installation task.
5. Reboot
6. Make sure “Connect only to a device that is copyright-protected by SCMS-T method” under “Copyright Protection Setting” is unchecked (default is unchecked
For VAIO-T, S, A with v1.2 Internal Bluetooth Module (PID 3007 only)
Patching and Installing, every step is VITAL, don’t ignore any of them (see bottom for the patch download link)
:!: Prevent SP2’s Bluetooth Support from running
1. Stop the SP2’s “Bluetooth Support Service” in Control Panel—>Administration Tools—> Services
2. Open command prompt, type the following commands, pressing Enter after each line:
CD /D %SystemRoot%\Inf
rename Bth.inf Bth.oldinf
rename Bth.pnf Bth.oldpnf
3. Run “msconfig”—> go to “startup” column—>unclick “rundll32.exe bthprops.cpl…..”
4. Go to Control Panel—>System—> Hardware—>Device Manager
5. Manually (Have Disk method) replace the “USB Bluetooth Device” under “Bluetooth Radio” with the driver “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth” in the patch file “csrbc01.inf”.
Have Disk method: click on “Update Driver”—> Select “Install from a list or specific location”—> Select “Don’t search, I will choose the driver to install”—> Click on “Have Disk”—> Point to “csrbc01.inf” in the patch folder—> Click “OK”—>There should be 1 single device listed, named “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth”—> Click “Next”—> Click “OK”.


6. switch the bluetooth/wireless button off. Reboot
1. after reboot, switch the bt/wireless on, Run Patch.bat in Command Prompt:
Successful patching should end like this:
“usb on \\.\csr0 at 12000000bps
psset 427 0
bccmd_getresp sn:0x0001 ps ok hostio_map_sco_pcm d len:0x0001 0x0000
3. For v1.2 bt module (PID 3007) you can also enable A2DP stereo headset profile after the above patch being successfully applied and REBOOTED.
In Command Prompt, run the patch file “a2dp.bat”.
Succesful patching should end like this:
“btcli (built Feb 20 2003, 18:55:01)
Version 1.18
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 CSR Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
usb on \\.\csr0 at 12000000 bps
psset 996 1416
bccmd_getresp sn:0x0001 ps ok loop_filter_trim d len:0x0001 0x0588
5. Remove the bt driver “Alps module with CSR Bluecore Bluetooth”—> turn BT off—> reboot (DO NOT switch on your bt after reboot).
Install SONY (Toshiba OEM) stack:
currently only Toshiba OEM stack provides best quality on A2DP stereo audio over stereo bt headsets. the stack, this is the 3.20.01 version, tested and works, although a bit old, as current version is v4.xx.;_SessionID=@@@@1542939006.1141576930@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccceaddheemhmeecgfkceghdgngdgmn.0&ct=DL
2. replace tosrfusb.inf in the driver folder “\Bluetooth\Windows\inf “with my edited tosrfusb.inf, UGX or UGT(really rare) depends on your module, you can find it when “new hardware detected” windows pops up, use the appropriate one for replacing.
edited torsrfusb.inf for UGX module, download links:
edited torsrfusb.inf for UGT module, download link:
or you can edit tosrfusb.inf yourself
Under [Standard], add:
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3001
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3002
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3003
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3004
%TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2%=TosrfUsb_Device, USB\VID_044e&PID;_3007
Under [ControlFlags], add:
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3001
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3002
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3003
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3004
ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_044e&PID;_3007
Under [Strings], modify:
StdMfg = “UGX” or StdMfg = “UGT” , Depends on your module, you can find it when “new hardware detected” windows pops up
Also add a line:
TosrfUsb.DeviceDesc2 = “Bluetooth USB Controller (ALPS)”
3. Install the stack, turn bt on when toshiba stack installation prompts you
*Reminder: some users get stucked at 56% of installation, it was a result of switching (atl+tab) away from the Toshiba installer before it finished. The “Please plug in the bluetooth device now” dialog is obscured from poping-up.
Solution: Don’t switch away the installation task.
4. Reboot
5. make sure “Connect only to a device that is copyright-protected by SCMS-T method” under “Copyright Protection Setting” is unchecked (default is unchecked
for better quality:
Detail—>Sound Quality

Patch download, included CSR driver supports PID 3003, 3004, 3007 modules. (thank you pugwash75 for hosting
Q: how to know my module’s PID when SP2 bt stack is installed?
A: If you have sp2 bt stack installed, find out your module’s PID by:
Device Manager—> Bluetooth Radio—> USB Bluetooth Device—> Details—> Hardware Ids
(Patch and Photos are courtesy of Master Snowwhite