Well after installing the new hdd after the old one died, I proceeded to install Gentoo on my laptop again. Except this time it’s useing the whole HDD :mrgreen:
So I got practically everything working on my TR3AP2 except the Motion Eye and there seems to be nothing out there for it yet. The keys on the side (however I found some info about something called vaiod that will let you use them except the site is in Jap. so I have no idea what it says exactly, ill look into it later)
So now I have two things left to do. First get the ALPS touchpad working properly and ACPI to recognize certain events
Besides im happy to say that the TR3 works great with linux.
Centrino Wireless
Fn Keys
ACPI (Full support for what i need)
1280x768 Resolution in Xorg 6.8
Sony Memory Stick
SpeedStepping (based on cpu load)
CD Burning/Reading
——Bluetooth Ready——(Once i get the upgrade installed) :drool:
Cell Phone working as a USB modem to get Wireless Web
Touchpad (ALPS Driver)
Doesn’t Work (Yet):
Motion Eye (No info if it will yet either)
Side Panel Buttons (However i came across away to maybe use the Zoom Key)
If anyone needs any info ill be happy to provide it 